Sunday, January 29, 2012

LLC will be official this week as well as other boring stuff

I started this blog to only help with my SEO for, but I found out that almost 70 people read it.  Which was kind of weird since I wasn't writing this for really anyone to read.  I have always thought blogs were kind of dumb and never really knew what they were all about, until recently.  N.W.A. just come on my spotify player "straight out of Compton".  Side note, the greatest fisherman to live didn't come straight out of Compton, He came out of Judea.  This blog won't be strictly about fishing.  Fishing just might be the most boring thing to read about for the average reader.

So this is what has transpired since the first blog on Monday or Tuesday, can't remember the days blurred this week.  I worked on my website which looks OK.  I'm not done nor satisfied with where it's at.  Google gave me some good pointers when I spoke to them about advertising.  Advertisements will be coming out in the next week to promote the guiding aspect of Simply Fishing.  They gave me a $100 credit.  Which will probably last a month.  It's almost $2.50 a click after that!  We will see what happens with the response.  I'm in the process of working with KSL, Living Social, City Deals, Spreebird, Salt Lake Tribune, etc.  We hope to have 20 bookings through this ad campaign.

The online shop is now up!  We don't have any flies on there yet.  I have two or three local fly tiers that will put their flies on there.  We are going to only carry locally hand tied flies.  They will run around $1.69 to $1.99.  I'm excited about us getting an account with Reddington and Sage to provide our rods, reels, and waders for a ridiculous discount.  I guess working at Sportsman's Warehouse for $8.50 an hour for 3 years paid off.  I have a lot of connections from that job that will give me an advantage.

I met with my C.P.A. on Saturday to figure out the LLC filing and a bunch of boring things.  This week we will make it official and have a business license and be running.  I just registered the domain to help with SEO as well.  You can type in or  The simpli spelled with an "I" was a big mistake for the original website.  Should have just taken when I registered the domain.

We will be starting a fishing forum this week as well.  This will be a place for fisherman to share their fishing experiences, fishing reports, tips, etc.  We will link the website to it as well as the website to the forum.  I'm bored of writing so keep it simply simple.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Simply about time

I got this very sane idea in November of 2011 that I should get out of advertising and start a fishing shop and guiding service for the Provo river.  I quit my job as an advertising sales exec at a magazine.  I started brainstorming on Christmas eve until 6 in the morning.  Writing every idea that flowed through my head regarding what shop I wanted to run.  The same process went on for two more nights, going to bed no earlier than 5 am.  I had a game plan and now I needed to get some feedback.  I went to former co-workers from my days at Sportsman's Warehouse to get their feedback.  They gave me their blessing just as I had predicted.  I note, I was willing to not go through with the shop if my former manager Mike Fisher said it was a bad idea.  He was pretty positive about my idea. So here we are exactly one month later and the ball is in motion.  I have brought on my good friend Zach Emig and fishing partner as a co owner.  We will be opening the guiding part of the business this spring ahead of the shop which should open by late this year. The last 24 hours have been crazy, I accidently built a web page ( , 17 hours later!  Started my first blog, started a facebook page, started the application process for a business license and started studying SEO.  It's 2:09 am and I'm sure I'll be up 3 more hours, writing my business plan.  Here is my logo courteous of Microsoft paint, took 1 minute to make.  Also just set up my online fly shop
The ones who chase their dreams are those who are not afraid to fail.

Simply Fishing Utah